Our festival is becoming greener and more environmentally friendly every year. There will be noticeable containers for empty plastic cups on several locations of the festival. Also, the festival Laško Pivo in cvetje is the first Slovenian festival that uses energy-saving, green and environmentally-friendly LED solutions on all its stages.
Empty cups go to special containers!
In cooperation with the company SLOPAK, there will be noticeable containers for empty plastic cups on several locations of the festival. The amount of plastic (in kg) that will be gathered during the festival will be calculated in euros that will be used to finance the project »Laško, naše mesto!« (Laško, our town). The purpose of this project is to provide for a cleaner environment, improve the touristic attractions of the town, and educate the locals on safeguarding the environment and on the intergenerational cooperation and exchange of knowledge. More plastic means more money for a better-looking Laško. Be part of this story, separate waste and put empty cups in these containers!
Several local societies cooperate in this project: Turistično društvo Laško, Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Laško, Zveza kulturnih društev Možnar, KD Laška pihalna godba, Anton Tanc, Planinsko društvo, Društvo za razvedrilo Jagoče, Kolesarski klub Laško, Košarkarski klub Laško, Hortikulturno društvo Laško, Nogometni klub Laško, Čebelarsko društvo Laško, Klub ljubiteljev Laškega piva.
Green stages
If a few years ago, we said that the Club stage on the municipal courtyard is the first “green” stage in Slovenia, because it was completely equipped with LED technology, this year, we can say that the festival Laško Pivo in cvetje is the first Slovenian festival that uses energy-saving, green and environmentally-friendly LED solutions on all its stages.
We only have one nature; let’s take good care of it!