I separate waste!


Friday 15 July and Saturday 16 July from 12 a.m. to 8 p.m.

After the last sip of beer, there is only a can or a plastic cup left. What to do with it? Bring them to the recycling stand (Ločujem, recikliram) and in return, you will be able to participate in fun activities. If you do really well, there is an additional surprise waiting for you.

Do you know what the positive effects of waste separation are? We prepared some hints:

    By correctly separating waste, we create a cleaner environment…
  • …and enable recycling of waste.
  • By using recycled materials, we use less primary raw materials (threes, oil…).
  • By recycling 1 kg of plastic packaging, we save 2 kg of oil and prevent 1.5 kg of CO2 emissions.
  • From recycled plastic packaging, we can make new clothes, toys, clothes hangers and other things.
  • Cans can be recycled indefinitely. Today, we still use 75% of all aluminium that was ever produced all over the world.

You can find more information on the waste separation activities on the SLOPAK Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SlopakLocujemOdpadke/

I separate waste!